This morning after I dropped my daughter off at school for her first day of fifth grade, I decided to flee the construction chaos and asked The Divine to please guide me towards the most healing today.
I ended up at a beautiful park with no cell phone reception and ended up having one of the most profound moments of my life.
This is what came out, but nothing can do justice to the peace, joy and freedom I felt in my heart in those moments and hours.
May there be many more to come and may your own moments be plentiful. 🙏🏼❤️🙌🏼
In Stillness
I weep.
Among the evergreens with the sun peeking through their sturdy branches, I cry tears of pure bliss.
One with the log I am perched atop, its soft mossy green blanket wrapping me in Nature’s birthday suit.
A cool breeze tickles my face as fall attempts to sneak in early, gently nudging summer into hibernation.
Until next year, dear Summer. Your heat has warmed our bodies and your sun has warmed our hearts, but into the next stage of earthly heaven we must go.
’No, wait,’ says Summer.
‘Please don’t be in such a hurry. I’ve yet so much to share with you.’
Closing my eyes I breathe in Summer’s love.
I can see even clearer the green earth. I can hear the birds’ song and the gentle wind’s reminder that everything is passing. A brook babbles nearby and I breathe in the moment, remembering that this is the only moment there is.
There is only Now.
I have finally stepped out of a living hell that was unhealed trauma; that which controlled my every thought, my every action, my body and my very being.
I have tiptoed into heaven on earth; into God’s grace which is all around me and within me.
I have opened my heart to healing and He has not disappointed.
I feel His love everywhere I go, for He is within me; within us all.
High on life in this moment and of pure mind and body now, I can see the Truth. I am love. I am unchangeable innocence and intrinsic worth.
One with Nature, One with All.
With gratitude, I inhale late summer’s sweet farewell and move onto the next moment, leaving the past far behind.
My scars remind me where I have been and my heart reminds me where I belong.
I Am Wide Awake.
I Am Here and I Am Now.
Happy Healing 🙌🏼
Thank you so much, Bobby! Totally made my day 😊. In response to your question, I hope public speaking is another God given talent as I plan to be up on the stage next! Let’s continue to spread our lights and messages of hope & healing! 🙌🏼🙏🏼❤️😘
Meg. I have read many many many articles over 23 yrs of being in public Education on behalf of hundreds & hundreds of talented students, teachers & authors & your writing is at a very high level. From its flow to meaning to the use of descriptive words, etc. - you’re too are a very talented writer capturing a readers interest. OMG! From song to artistry to writing to handstands on the diving board- what other talents do you have girl!? Very impressive Meg & lots of admiration & appreciate you👍🏾